The Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution, colloquially dikenal sebagai Evo atau Lancer Evo, merupakan sebuah mobil yang diproduksi oleh Mitsubishi Motors. There have been ten official versions to date, and the designation of each model is most commonly a roman numeral . Ada sepuluh versi resmi untuk tanggal dan tujuan dari masing-masing model yang paling sering adalah angka romawi. All of them share a two litre, turbochargedengine and four-wheel drive system. Semua mereka berbagi dua liter, turbocharged dan mesin roda empat sistem. Evolution models prior to version VII were the homologation models for Mitsubishi's efforts in the World Rally Championship . Evolution model sebelum versi VII adalah homologation model upaya untuk Mitsubishi di World Rally Championship. In order to follow these rules, the Evolution was based on the same unibody as the Lancer. Untuk mengikuti aturan ini, yang didasarkan pada Evolution yang sama unibody sebagai Lancer.
The Evolution was originally intended only for Japanese markets but demand on the 'grey import' market led the Evolution series to be offered through RalliArt dealer networks in the United Kingdom and in various European markets from around 1998. The Evolution pada awalnya hanya ditujukan untuk Jepang, tetapi permintaan pasar pada 'abu-abu impor' memimpin pasar Evolution seri yang akan ditawarkan melalui jaringan dealer RalliArt di Inggris Raya dan di berbagai pasar Eropa dari sekitar tahun 1998. Mitsubishi decided to export the eighth generation Evolution to the United States in 2003 after witnessing the successSubaru had in that market with their Impreza WRX , a direct competitor in other global regions. [ 1 ] Mitsubishi memutuskan untuk ekspor yang kedelapan Evolution generasi ke Amerika Serikat pada tahun 2003 setelah menyaksikan keberhasilanSubaru yang sudah di pasar dengan Impreza WRX, langsung pesaing global di daerah-daerah lainnya. [1]
Japanese-spec cars were limited by a gentleman's agreement to advertise no more than 276 hp (205 kW), a self imposed limit, 280 hp (210 kW) by the state, a mark already reached by Evolution IV.Jepang-spec mobil yang dibatasi oleh seorang pria dari perjanjian untuk beriklan tidak lebih dari 276 hp (205 kW), dikenakan membatasi diri, 280 hp (210 kW) oleh negara, yang sudah dicapai oleh tandai Evolution IV. Therefore, each subsequent version has unofficially evolved above the advertised power figures, with the Japanese-spec Evolution IX reaching a real power output of around 321 PS (317 hp/236 kW). Karena itu, setiap versi unofficially telah berkembang di atas diiklankan daya angka, dengan spec-Jepang Evolution IX mencapai real power output sekitar 321 PS (317 kW hp/236). Various versions available in other markets, particularly the UK, have official power outputs up to 405 bhp (302 kW). Berbagai versi yang tersedia di pasar, terutama di Inggris, telah resmi keluaran daya hingga 405 bhp (302 kW).
In 2008, the latest generation Lancer Evolution X was launched worldwide, and featured an all-new 291 hp (217 kW) inline four-cylinder turbocharged engine and a full-time all wheel drivepowertrain. Pada 2008, generasi terbaru Lancer Evolution X diluncurkan di seluruh dunia, dan semua-fitur yang baru 291 hp (217 kW) inline empat silinder turbocharged dan mesin full timesemua roda powertrain.
ProductionProduksi | October 1992–January 1994 Oktober 1992-Januari 1994 |
PlatformPlatform | CD9A CD9A |
Transmission(s)Transmisi (s) | 5-speed manual 5-speedmanual |
WheelbaseJarak roda | 2500 mm (98.4 in) 2500 mm (98,4 in) |
Length Panjang | 4310 mm (169.7 in) 4310 mm (169,7 dalam) |
Width Lebar | 1695 mm (66.7 in) 1695 mm (66,7 in) |
HeightKetinggian | 1395 mm (54.9 in) 1395 mm (54,9 in) |
Curb weightPengekangan berat | 1,170–1,240 kg (2,579–2,734 lb) 1,170-1,240 kg (2,579-2,734 lb) |
The Evolution I was introduced in 1992 to compete in the World Rally Championship . The Evolution saya telah diperkenalkan pada tahun 1992 untuk bersaing dalam World Rally Championship. It used the 2.0 L turbocharged DOHC engine and 4WD drivetrain from the original Galant VR-4 in a Lancer chassis, and was sold in GSR and RS models. Ia menggunakan 2,0 L turbocharged DOHCdan mesin 4WD drivetrain asli dari Galant VR-4 di Lancer chassis, dan telah dijual di RS GSR dan model. The latter was a stripped-down club racing version that lacked power windows and seats,anti-lock brakes , a rear wiper, and had steel wheels to weigh approximately 155 lb (70 kg) less than the 2,730 lb (1,238 kg) GSR, while the former came with all of the conveniences of a typical street car. Yang terakhir adalah dilucuti-down klub balap versi yang kekurangan daya jendela dan kursi, anti-lock brakes,sebuah wiper belakang, roda baja dan telah menimbang-nimbang kira-kira £ 155 (70 kg) kurang dari 2730 lb (1238 kg) GSR, sementara mantan datang dengan seluruh keenakan yang khas jalan mobil. It came with Mitsubishi's 4G63 engine producing 250PS (244 hp /182 kW ) at 6000 rpm and 228 ft·lbf (309 N·m ) at 3000 rpm, along with all wheel drive which would become a trademark on all Evolution models. Ia datang dengan Mitsubishi's4G63 mesin produksi 250 PS (244 hp / 182 kW) pada 6000 rpm dan 228 ft lbf (309 N m) pada 3000 rpm, bersamaan dengansemua roda yang akan menjadi merek dagang di semua model Evolution. 5,000 of the first generation Evolutions were sold between 1992 and 1993. 5000 dari generasi pertama Evolutions yang dijual antara 1992 dan 1993.
ProductionProduksi | January 1994–August 1995 Januari 1994-Agustus 1995 |
PlatformPlatform | CE9A CE9A |
Transmission(s)Transmisi (s) | 5-speed manual 5-speedmanual |
WheelbaseJarak roda | 2510 mm (98.8 in) 2510 mm (98,8 in) |
Length Panjang | 4310 mm (169.7 in) 4310 mm (169,7 dalam) |
Width Lebar | 1695 mm (66.7 in) 1695 mm (66,7 in) |
HeightKetinggian | 1420 mm (55.9 in) 1420 mm (55,9 in) |
Curb weightPengekangan berat | 1,180–1,250 kg (2,601–2,756 lb) 1,180-1,250 kg (2,601-2,756 lb) |
The successful Evolution I was changed in December 1993, and was produced until 1995. Yang berhasil saya Evolution telah diubah pada bulan Desember 1993, dan telah diproduksi sampai tahun 1995. It consisted mainly of handling improvements, including minor wheelbase adjustments, larger swaybars, bodywork tweaks including a larger spoiler, and tires that were 10 mm (0.4 in) wider. Ini terdiri terutama penanganan perbaikan, termasuk penyesuaian jarak roda kecil, lebih besar swaybars, bodywork tweaks termasuk spoiler yang lebih besar, dan ban yang 10 mm (0,4 in) secara lebih luas. Power output was increased to 256 PS (252 hp/188 kW) from the same engine and torque was unchanged for both GSR and RS models. Power output telah meningkat menjadi 256 PS (252 kW hp/188) dari mesin yang sama dan tidak berubah momen itu untuk kedua model GSR dan RS.
ProductionProduksi | August 1995–August 1996Agustus 1995-Agustus 1996 |
PlatformPlatform | CE9A CE9A |
Transmission(s)Transmisi (s) | 5-speed manual 5-speedmanual |
WheelbaseJarak roda | 2510 mm (98.8 in) 2510 mm (98,8 in) |
Length Panjang | 4310 mm (169.7 in) 4310 mm (169,7 dalam) |
Width Lebar | 1695 mm (66.7 in) 1695 mm (66,7 in) |
HeightKetinggian | 1420 mm (55.9 in) 1420 mm (55,9 in) |
Curb weightPengekangan berat | 1,190–1,260 kg (2,624–2,778 lb) 1,190-1,260 kg (2,624-2,778 lb) |
January 1995 saw the arrival of the Evolution 3, which had several improvements over the previous models. Januari 1995 melihat kedatangan dari Evolution 3, yang telah beberapa perbaikan pada model-model sebelumnya. New, more aggressive styling and a new nose molding improved the air supply to the radiator, intercooler and brakes. Baru yang lebih agresif dan styling baru hidung molding meningkatkan pasokan air ke radiatornya intercooler dan rem. New side skirts and rear bumper moldings and a larger rear spoiler were added to reduce lift. Side skirts baru dan bumper belakang moldings yang lebih besar dan spoiler belakang yang ditambahkan untuk mengurangi angkat. Under the vented aluminium bonnet a new TDO5-16G6-7 turbocharger, exhaust system and increased compression gave a 10 PS (10 hp/7 kW) increase in power. Di bawah vented aluminium kap mesin baru TDO5-16G6-7 turbocharger, knalpot sistem dan peningkatan kompresi memberi 10 PS (10 hp / 7 kW) peningkatan daya. Torque output was unaltered, apart from a higher final drive ratio. Torque output adalah unaltered, selain dari yang lebih tinggi rasio final drive. Both GSR and RS still used the same 5 speed quaife gearbox.GSR baik dan masih digunakan RS yang sama 5 kecepatan quaife gearbox. Interior tweaks were limited to a new Momo steering wheel (GSR only) and Recaro seats from the Evolution 2 upholstered with new fabric. Interior tweaks adalah terbatas pada baru Momo steering wheel (hanya GSR) dan kursi Recaro dari Evolution 2 upholstered dengan kain baru. The Evolution 3 GSR weighed 1260 kg while the RS model weighed 1190 kg. The Evolution GSR 3 beratnya 1260 kg sedangkan RS model beratnya 1190 kg. The car's 4G63T engine had a displacement of 1997 cc and provided 270 bhp (201 kW) at 6250 rpm, 228 lb·ft (309 N·m) of torque at 3000 rpm. Mobil mesin 4G63T memiliki pemindahan dari 1997 cc dan disediakan 270 bhp (201 kW) pada 6250 rpm, 228 lb ft (309 N m) of torque pada 3000 rpm.
ProductionProduksi | August 1996–January 1998 Agustus 1996-Januari 1998 |
PlatformPlatform | CN9A CN9A |
Transmission(s)Transmisi (s) | 5-speed manual 5-speedmanual |
WheelbaseJarak roda | 2510 mm (98.8 in) 2510 mm (98,8 in) |
Length Panjang | 4330 mm (170.5 in) 4330 mm (170,5 dalam) |
Width Lebar | 1690 mm (66.5 in) 1690 mm (66,5 in) |
HeightKetinggian | 1415 mm (55.7 in) 1415 mm (55,7 in) |
Curb weightPengekangan berat | 1,260–1,350 kg (2,778–2,976 lb) 1,260-1,350 kg (2,778-2,976 lb) |
The Lancer platform was completely changed in 1996, and along with it the Evolution, which had become extremely popular throughout the world. Lancer platform yang benar-benar telah berubah pada tahun 1996, dan bersama-sama dengan yang Evolution, yang telah menjadi sangat populer di seluruh dunia.The engine and transaxle was rotated 180° to better balance the weight and eliminate torque steer. Mesin dan transaxle yang diputar 180 ° untuk keseimbangan beban dan menghilangkan torque memimpin. There were two versions available, The RS and GSR. Terdapat dua versi yang tersedia, di RS dan GSR. The RS version was produced as a competition car with a limited-slip front differential and a friction type LSD at the rear. RS versi yang dibuat sebagai mobil dengan kompetisi terbatas-selip depan diferensial dan gesekan jenis LSD di bagian belakang. It also came with GLX seats and 16" (41 cm) steel wheels as these were items that would be replaced by anyone entering the car into competition events. The RS also had wind up windows, no air conditioning, and a few extra brace bars to strengthen the chassis, one behind the front grill and the other across the boot floor. The RS also had a factory option of thinner body panels and thinner glass. The GSR and the RS shared a new twin scroll turbocharger which helped to increase power to 280 PS (276 hp/206 kW) at 6,500 rpm and 260 ft·lbf (352 N·m) of torque at 3,000 rpm. Mitsubishi's new Active Yaw Control appeared as a factory option on the GSR model, which used steering, throttle input sensors andg sensors to computer-hydraulically controlled torque split individually to the rear wheels and as a result the 10,000 Evolution IVs produced all sold quickly. The Evolution IV can be distinguished by its two large fog lights in the front bumper (option on RS version), and the newly designed tail lights on the rear, which became a standard design to Evolution VI, which would become yet another trademark of the Evolution series. This new generation was slightly heavier than previous Evos—the GSR in particular due to the added technology systems—but to counter this the car produced even more power—the weight of the RS being 1260 kg (2778 lb) and the GSR being 1345 kg (2965 lb). Ia juga datang dengan GLX kursi dan 16 "(41 cm) baja roda karena itu item yang akan diganti oleh siapa saja masuk ke dalam mobil kompetisi peristiwa. RS yang juga telah menyelesaikan jendela, tidak ada AC, dan beberapa tambahan brace bar untuk memperkuat chassis, satu di belakang grill depan dan yang lainnya di lantai boot. RS yang juga memiliki pabrik bahan pilihan untuk tubuh dan tipis panel kaca. The GSR dan RS bersama baru gulir turbocharger kembar yang membantu untuk meningkatkan daya 280 PS (276 hp/206 kW) pada 6500 rpm dan 260 ft lbf (352 N m) of torque pada 3000 rpm. Mitsubishi baru aktif mengoleng Kontrol muncul sebagai pilihan pada pabrik GSR model yang digunakan steering, throttle input sensor dan g-sensor ke komputer hydraulically dikontrol torque split individual ke roda belakang dan sebagai hasil yang diproduksi 10.000 Evolution IVs semua dijual cepat. The Evolution IV dapat dibedakan oleh dua besar lampu kabut di bumper depan (RS pilihan pada versi ), dan yang baru dirancang tail lampu belakang, yang menjadi standar untuk desain Evolution VI, yang akan menjadi merek dagang lain dari seri Evolution. Ini adalah generasi baru sedikit lebih berat daripada sebelumnya Evos-GSR khususnya yang disebabkan ditambahkan teknologi-sistem ke counter tapi ini mobil yang diproduksi lebih kuasa-beratnya dari RS yang 1260 kg (2778 lb) dan sedang GSR 1345 kg (2965 lb).
ProductionProduksi | January 1998–January 1999 Januari 1998-Januari 1999 |
PlatformPlatform | CP9A CP9A |
Transmission(s)Transmisi (s) | 5-speed manual 5-speedmanual |
WheelbaseJarak roda | 2510 mm (98.8 in) 2510 mm (98,8 in) |
Length Panjang | 4350 mm (171.3 in) 4350 mm (171,3 dalam) |
Width Lebar | 1770 mm (69.7 in) 1770 mm (69,7 in) |
HeightKetinggian | 1,405–1,415 mm (55.3–55.7 in) 1,405-1,415 mm (55.3-55.7 in) |
Curb weightPengekangan berat | 1,260–1,360 kg (2,778–2,998 lb) 1,260-1,360 kg (2,778-2,998 lb) |
In 1997, the WRC created a new "World Rally Car" class, and while these cars still had to abide by Group A standards, they did not have to meet homologation rules. Pada tahun 1997, WRC membuat sebuah "World Rally Car" kelas, dan saat ini mobil masih harus mematuhi standar-standar Grup A, mereka tidak harus memenuhi peraturan homologation. Mitsubishi redesigned the Evolution IV with this in mind and introduced the Evolution V in January 1998. Mitsubishi Evolution IV yang didesain ulang dengan ini di pikiran dan memperkenalkan Evolution V pada Januari 1998.
Many aspects of the car were changed such as: Banyak aspek mobil yang berubah, seperti:
- The interior was upgraded in the GSR version with a better class of Recaro seat. Interior telah di-upgrade GSR dengan versi yang lebih baik dari kelas Recaro kursi.
- The body kit had flared arches at the front and rear and a new aluminium rear spoiler replaced the IV FRP version and gave an adjustable angle of attack to alter rear down force. Body kit yang telah flared arches di bagian depan dan belakang dan spoiler belakang baru aluminium diganti dengan FRP IV versi dan memberikan adjustable sudut yang menyerang ke bawah memaksa merubah belakang.
- The track was widened by 10 mm (0.4 in), the wheel offset changed from ET45 to ET38 along with the wheel diameter which rose from 16" to 17" to accommodate Brembo brakes which were added to enhance braking. Lagu itu widened oleh 10 mm (0,4 in), yang berubah dari roda offset ET45 ke ET38 seiring dengan diameter roda yang meningkat dari 16 "ke 17" untuk mengakomodasi Brembo brakes yang ditambahkan untuk meningkatkan pengereman.
- In addition the brake master cylinder bore increased by 0.3 millimetres (0.01 in). Selain itu di master rem lubang silinder meningkat 0,3 millimetres (0,01 di).
- The engine was strengthened in a few areas and the cam duration was increased. Mesin yang kuat di beberapa daerah dan durasi cam telah meningkat. The pistons were lighter with a smaller skirt area. Pistons yang telah ringan dengan rok wilayah yang lebih kecil. 510 cc injectors were replaced with 560 cc injectors for better engine reliability due to more electrical "headroom" and the ecu was changed to include a flash ROM. 510 cc injectors digantikan dengan 560 cc injectors keandalan mesin yang lebih baik karena lebih listrik "headroom" dan ECU berubah menjadi termasuk flash ROM.
Furthermore, the turbocharger was again improved. Selain itu,turbocharger telah ditingkatkan lagi. Torque was increased to 275 ft·lbf (373 N·m) at 3000 rpm. Torque telah meningkat menjadi 275 ft lbf (373 N m) pada 3000 rpm. Power officially stayed the same, at 280 PS (276 hp/206 kW) as agreed by Japan's automotive gentlemen's agreement that all cars would have 276 or less hp, but some claim horsepower was actually somewhat higher. Kuasa resmi tinggal yang sama, di 280 PS (276 kW hp/206) dan disetujui oleh otomotif Jepang Gentlemen dari kesepakatan bahwa semua akan ada mobil 276 hp atau kurang, namun beberapa klaim daya kuda sebenarnya sedikit lebih tinggi.
ProductionProduksi | January 1999–March 2001 Januari 1999-Maret 2001 |
PlatformPlatform | CP9A CP9A |
Transmission(s)Transmisi (s) | 5-speed manual 5-speedmanual |
WheelbaseJarak roda | 2510 mm (98.8 in) 2510 mm (98,8 in) |
Length Panjang | 4350 mm (171.3 in) 4350 mm (171,3 dalam) |
Width Lebar | 1770 mm (69.7 in) 1770 mm (69,7 in) |
HeightKetinggian | 1,405–1,415 mm (55.3–55.7 in) 1,405-1,415 mm (55.3-55.7 in) |
Curb weightPengekangan berat | 1,250–1,360 kg (2,756–2,998 lb) 1,250-1,360 kg (2,756-2,998 lb) |
The Evolution VI's changes mainly focused on cooling and engine durability. The Evolution VI dari perubahan terutama difokuskan pada pendinginan dan ketahanan mesin. It received a larger intercooler, larger oil cooler, and new pistons, along with a titanium-aluminide turbine wheel for the RS model, which was a first in a production car. It diterima intercooler yang lebih besar, lebih besar minyak dingin, dan baru Pistons, bersama dengan titanium aluminide-turbin roda untuk RS model, yang pertama dalam produksi mobil. Also, the Evolution VI received new bodywork yet again, with the most easily spotted change in the front bumper where the huge fog lights were reduced in size and moved to the corners for better airflow. Juga, Evolution VI baru diterima bodywork Belum lagi, dengan yang paling mudah dinodai perubahan pada bumper depan yang besar lampu kabut yang dikurangi dalam ukuran dan dipindahkan ke sudut yang lebih baik aliran udara. A new model was added to the GSR and RS lineup; known as the RS2, it was an RS with a few of the GSR's options.Sebuah model baru yang ditambahkan ke GSR dan RS lineup; dikenal sebagai RS2, seorang RS dengan beberapa dari GSR's pilihan. Another limited-edition RS was known as the RS Sprint, an RS tuned by Ralliart in the UK to be lighter and more powerful with 330 hp (246 kW). Lain-edisi terbatas RS dikenal sebagai RS Sprint, sebuah RS tuned oleh Ralliart di Inggris menjadi lebih ringan dan lebih kuat dengan 330 hp (246 kW).
Yet another special edition Evolution VI was also released in 1999: the Tommi Makinen Edition, named after Finnish rally driver Tommi Makinen that had won Mitsubishi four WRC drivers championships. Namun lain edisi khusus Evolution VI juga dirilis pada tahun 1999: di Tommi Mäkinen Edition, Finlandia bernama setelah rally driver Tommi Mäkinen yang memenangkan empat Mitsubishi WRC driver championships. It featured a different front bumper, Red/Black Recaro seats (with embossed T. Makinen logo), 17" ENKEI white wheels, a leather MOMO steering wheel and shift knob, a titanium turbine that spooled up quicker, front upper strut brace, lowered ride height (with tarmac stages in mind), and a quicker steering ratio. Amongst other colours, the Evo VI came in either red, white, blue, black or silver with optional special decals, replicating Tommi Makinen's rally car's colour scheme. This car is also sometimes referred to as an Evolution 6½, Evolution 6.5, or TME for short. Ini fitur yang berbeda bemper depan, Red / Black Recaro kursi (T. Makinen ditimbulkan dengan logo), 17 "ENKEI roda putih, kulit yang MOMO steering wheel dan shift kenop, yang titanium turbin yang spooled up yang cepat, depan atas topangan brace, menurunkan naik tinggi (dengan campuran kerikil tahapan dalam pikiran), dan cepat steering ratio. Diantara lainnya warna, Evo VI yang datang di salah satu merah, putih, biru, hitam atau perak dengan opsional khusus decals, Menggandakan Tommi Mäkinen's rally mobil skema warna. mobil ini terkadang juga disebut sebagai Evolution 6 ½, Evolution 6.5, atau untuk TME singkat.
ProductionProduksi | March 2001–January 2003 Maret 2001-Januari 2003 |
PlatformPlatform | CT9A CT9A |
Transmission(s)Transmisi (s) | 5-speed manual 5-speedmanual 5-speed automatic 5-speedotomatis |
WheelbaseJarak roda | 2625 mm (103.3 in) 2625 mm (103,3 dalam) |
Length Panjang | 4455 mm (175.4 in) 4455 mm (175,4 dalam) |
Width Lebar | 1770 mm (69.7 in) 1770 mm (69,7 in) |
HeightKetinggian | 1450 mm (57.1 in) 1450 mm (57,1 in) |
Curb weightPengekangan berat | 1,320–1,400 kg (2,910–3,086 lb) 1,320-1,400 kg (2,910-3,086 lb) |
In 2001, Mitsubishi was forced by the FIA to race in the WRCusing WRC rules for building a car instead of the Group A class rules, and thus did not need to follow homologation rules. Pada tahun 2001, Mitsubishi dipaksa oleh FIA untuk perlombaan diWRC menggunakan WRC aturan untuk membangun sebuah mobil sebagai pengganti Grup A kelas aturan, sehingga tidak perlu mengikuti aturan homologation. The Evolution VII was based on the larger Lancer Cedia platform and as a result gained more weight over the Evolution VI, but Mitsubishi made up for this with multiple important chassis tweaks. The Evolution VII berdasarkan platform Cedia Lancer lebih besar dan sebagai hasilnya mendapatkan lebih berat melalui Evolution VI, tetapi dibuat untuk Mitsubishi ini dengan beberapa chassis tweaks penting. The biggest change was the addition of an active center differential and a more effective limited-slip differential, while a front helical limited-slip differential was added. Perubahan yang terbesar adalah penambahan aktif diferensial dan pusat yang lebih efektif terbatas-slip differential, sementara depan spiral terbatas-slip differential telah ditambahkan. Torque was increased again to 284 ft·lbf (385 N·m) with engine tweaks that allowed greater airflow, and horsepower officially remained at 280 PS (276 hp/206 kW).Torque telah meningkat lagi ke 284 ft lbf (385 N m) dengan mesin tweaks aliran udara yang diizinkan lebih besar, dan daya kuda resmi tetap di 280 PS (276 kW hp/206).
The introduction of the Evolution VII also marked the first time an automatic drivetrain was included within the model lineup—the GT-A. Pengenalan dari Evolution VII juga ditandai pertama kali secara otomatis drivetrain termasuk dalam model-the lineup GT-A. Seen as the 'gentleman's express' version of the visually similar VII GSR, the GT-A model was only produced in 2002 and had the following distinguishing interior and exterior specification: GT-A-only diamond cut finish 17-inch (430 mm) alloy wheels, clear rear light lenses and all-in-one style front headlights (later used on the Evolution VIII). Dianggap sebagai 'pria dari menyatakan' versi visual yang mirip VII GSR, J-GT yang model hanya diproduksi pada tahun 2002 dan telah membezakan berikut interior dan eksterior spesifikasi:-A-GT hanya memotong berlian selesai 17-inch (430 mm) alloy wheels, jelas dan lensa lampu belakang all-in-one style headlights depan (yang kemudian digunakan pada Evolution VIII). The GT-A had the option of either no spoiler, the short spoiler (as later used on the Evolution VIII 260) or the thunderspoiler as used on the standard Evolution VII models. J-GT yang memiliki pilihan untuk tidak baik spoiler, spoiler jangka pendek (seperti yang digunakan nanti pada Evolution VIII 260) atau thunderspoiler seperti yang digunakan pada model standar Evolution VII. The most distinguishing feature was a smooth bonnet with no air-grills on it at all. Fitur yang paling membedakan adalah kelancaran tidak memadamkan api dengan air-grills on it at all. Although offering inferior cooling capabilities, the bonnet was designed to give a cleaner line through the air with less air resistance at motorway speeds. Meskipun menawarkan kemampuan pendinginan rendah, kap mesin yang dirancang untuk memberikan baris bersih melalui udara dengan udara kurang tahan pada permintaan kecepatan.
Interior could be specified with factory options of a deluxe velour interior, full leather or the Recaro sports seats. Interior dapat ditentukan dengan pilihan dari pabrik velour interior mewah, full kulit atau kursi Recaro olahraga. The GT-A interior was different in that it had chromed door handles, a different instrument panel (to show the gear selection) and chrome edged bezels around the speedo and tach. J-GT yang telah interior berbeda yang telah menangani chromed pintu, panel instrumen yang berbeda (untuk menampilkan pilihan gigi) dan krom bezels rata sekitar kecepatan dan tach. The GT-A also had additional sound deadening installed from the factory and the engine manifold and downpipe had been engineered to be quieter. J-GT yang juga memiliki tambahan deadening suara terpasang dari pabrik dan mesin manifold dan downpipe telah engineered menjadi tenang.
The 5-speed automatic gearbox had what Mitsubishi called "fuzzy logic", which meant that the car would learn what the driver's driving characteristics were like and would adapt the gear change timings and kick down reactions accordingly. 5-speed otomatis gearbox Mitsubishi apa yang disebut "fuzzy logic", yang berarti bahwa mobil akan mempelajari apa driver's driving karakteristik seperti itu dan akan menyesuaikan diri dengan perubahan waktu dan gigi bawah kick reaksi yang sesuai. The gears could be manually selected as with most tiptronics via steering wheel + and - buttons (a pair both sides) or via selecting the tiptronic gate with the gear lever. Gears yang dapat dipilih secara manual dengan paling tiptronics melalui roda kemudi + dan - tombol (sepasang kedua sisi) atau melalui memilih tiptronic gerbang dengan tuas gigi. Power was down a little from the standard manual cars with a very usable 272 bhp (203 kW). Bawah kuasa adalah sedikit dari standar manual dengan mobil yang sangat berguna 272 bhp (203 kW). The GT-A gearbox did not appear again in the Evolution VIII but has been installed in the estate version of the Evolution IX Wagon. The J-GT gearbox tidak muncul lagi di Evolution VIII tetapi telah terinstal di estate versi dari Evolution IX Wagon.
ProductionProduksi | January 2003–March 2005 Januari 2003-Maret 2005 |
PlatformPlatform | CT9A CT9A |
Transmission(s)Transmisi (s) | 5-speed manual 5-speed manual 6-speed manual 6-speed manual |
WheelbaseJarak roda | 2,625 mm (103.3 in)2.625 mm (103,3 dalam) |
Length Panjang | 4,490–4,535 mm (176.8–178.5 in) 4,490-4,535 mm (176,8-178,5 dalam) |
Width Lebar | 1,770 mm (69.7 in) 1.770 mm (69,7 in) |
HeightKetinggian | 1,450 mm (57.1 in) 1.450 mm (57,1 in) |
Curb weightPengekangan berat | 1,320–1,410 kg (2,910–3,109 lb) 1,320-1,410 kg (2,910-3,109 lb) |
The Evolution was modified again in 2003, this time sporting Super Active Yaw Control to handle traction and a 5- or 6-speed manual gearbox depending on the model. The Evolution telah diubah lagi pada tahun 2003, kali ini olahraga Super aktif mengoleng Kontrol untuk menangani tarik dan 5 - atau 6-speed manual gearbox tergantung pada model. It was available with 280 PS (276 hp/206 kW) in four trims: the standard GSR model in Japan, the RS, with a steel roof, 5-speed gearbox, and standard wheels (lacking excess components, such as interior map lights, power windows/doors, and radio), the SSL (with a sunroof, trunk mounted subwoofer, and leather seats), and the MR, which came with a revised limited-slip front differential, aluminum MR shift knob, handbrake with carbon fiber handle, 17 inch BBS wheels, aluminum roof, and a 6-speed manual gearbox. Ia tersedia dengan 280 PS (276 kW hp/206) di empat trims: GSR model standar di Jepang, RS, dengan atap baja, 5-speed gearbox, dan standar roda (kurang kelebihan komponen, seperti peta lampu interior , kuasa jendela / pintu, dan radio), dengan SSL (dengan atap, trunk mount subwoofer, kulit dan kursi), dan MR, yang datang dengan direvisi terbatas-slip differential depan, aluminium MR regu kenop, Handbrake dengan serat karbon menangani, 17 inch BBS roda, atap aluminium, dan 6-speed manual gearbox. The new Evolution also sported Altezza taillights . Evolusi baru juga sported Altezza belakangnya.
The Lancer Evolution VIII MR uses slick-response Bilstein shocksfor improved handling. The Lancer Evolution VIII MR menggunakan slick-Tanggapan Bilstein kejutan untuk meningkatkan penanganan. The aluminium roof panel and other reductions in body weight have lowered the centre of gravity to produce more natural roll characteristics. Aluminium panel di atap dan penurunan berat badan telah menurunkan pusat gravitasi menghasilkan lebih alami roll karakteristik. Detail improvements have also been made to Mitsubishi’s own electronic all-wheel drive, to the ACD 5 + Super AYC 6 traction control, and to the Sports ABS systems. Detail perbaikan juga telah dilakukan untuk Mitsubishi sendiri elektronik semua roda, ke ACD 5 + Super AYC 6 daya tarik, dan dengan sistem Olahraga ABS. The Lancer Evolution VIII displayed at the 2003 Tokyo Motor Show took the MR designation traditionally reserved for Mitsubishi Motors high-performance models (first used for the Galant GTO). Lancer Evolution VIII yang ditampilkan pada 2003 Tokyo Motor Showmengambil MR penyebutan tradisional untuk Mitsubishi Motors model kinerja tinggi (pertama digunakan untuk Galant GTO). Other parts on the MR include BBS alloy wheels, the aforementioned Bilstein shocks, and an aluminium roof. Bagian lain pada MR termasuk roda alloy BBS, yang aforementioned Bilstein guncangan, dan aluminium atap. In the United Kingdom , many special Evolutions were introduced, including the FQ300, FQ320, FQ340, and FQ400 variants. Di Inggris Raya, banyak Evolutions khusus telah diperkenalkan, termasuk FQ300, FQ320, FQ340, FQ400 dan varian. They came with 305, 320, 340, and 400 hp (227, 239, 254 and 298 kW), respectively. Mereka datang dengan 305, 320, 340, dan 400 hp (227, 239, 254 dan 298 kW), masing-masing. It is rumoured that the 'FQ' stands for 'Fucking Quick'. [ 2 ][ 3 ] It is rumoured bahwa 'FQ' stands for 'fucking Cepat'. [2] [3]
The FQ400, sold through Ralliart UK, produces 302.13 kW (405.2 hp) from its 2.0 L 4G63 engine, the result of special modifications by United Kingdom tuning firms Rampage Tuning, Owen Developments, and Flow Race Engines. The FQ400, dijual melalui Ralliart Inggris, memproduksi 302,13 kW (405,2 HP) dari 2,0 L 4G63 mesin, hasil modifikasi khusus oleh Kerajaan Inggris tuningperusahaan mengamuk Tuning, Owen perkembangan, dan Arus Festival Engine. At 202.9 hp (151.3 kW) per litre, it has one of thehighest specific outputs per litre of any roadcar engine. 202,9 di hp (151,3 kW) per liter, itu salah satu output tertinggi spesifik per liter dari setiap roadcar mesin. With a curb weight of 3200 lb (1450 kg), it achieves 0-60 mph in 3.5 seconds, 0-100 mph in 9.1 seconds, 1/4 mile in 11.9 seconds at 121 mph (195 km/h), and a top speed of 176 mph (283km/h) while costing £47,000. BBC 'stelevision series Top Gear demonstrated that the stock FQ-400 could surprisingly keep up with a Lamborghini Murcielago around a test track. The Stig recorded a Top Gear Power Lap Times of 1 minute and 24.8 seconds, 4.2 seconds quicker than the Murcielago's time of 1 minute 29 seconds. [ 4 ] In a similar test conducted by UK supercar magazine evo , the Evolution was able to lap the Bedford Autodrome faster than an Audi RS4 and aPorsche Carrera 4S . [ citation needed ] Dengan membatasi berat 3200 lb (1450 kg), ia mencapai 0-60 mph dalam 3,5 detik, 0-100 mph dalam 9,1 detik, 1 / 4 mil dalam 11,9 detik pada 121 mph (195 km / h), dan atas kecepatan 176 mph (283km / h), sedangkan biaya £ 47.000. BBC 's televisi seri Top Gear menunjukkan bahwa stok FQ-400 bisa menyimpan sampai heran dengan Lamborghini Murcielago sekitar tes dilacak. The Stig mencatat Lap Top Gear Power Times dari 1 menit dan 24,8 detik, 4,2 detik lebih cepat daripada Murcielago dari waktu 1 menit 29 detik. [4] Dalam pengujian yang sama yang dilakukan oleh majalah Inggris superevo, Evolution yang mampu putaran yang Bedford Autodromelebih cepat dari yang Audi RS4 dan Porsche Carrera 4S.[kutipan diperlukan]
The Lancer Evolution VIII was also the first Evolution to be sold in the United States , [ 5 ] spurred by the success of the Subaru Impreza WRX which had been released there just three years prior. [ citation needed ] The Evolution VIII found its true competition in the Subaru Impreza WRX STI model the same year as the Evolution VIII's US introduction. The Lancer Evolution VIII juga pertama Evolution untuk dijual di Amerika Serikat, [5]spurred oleh keberhasilan Subaru Impreza WRX yang telah dirilis di sana hanya tiga tahun sebelumnya. [Kutipan diperlukan] The Evolution VIII ditemukan its true kompetisi di Subaru Impreza WRX STI model tahun yang sama sebagai Evolution VIII dari US pengenalan. However, the internal components for the American versions were largely stripped-down versions of the specifications for the Japanese Lancer Evolution VIII. Namun, komponen internal untuk versi Amerika telah dilucuti sebagian besar-down versi dari spesifikasi untuk Jepang Lancer Evolution VIII. No US-spec Evolution model prior to the Evo X has active yaw control , including the 2006 Evolution IX. Tidak US-spec Evolution model sebelum Evo X telah aktif mengoleng kontrol, termasuk 2006 Evolution IX. The American 2003 and 2004 GSRs are without the helical limited-slip front differential and 6-speed manual transmission. Amerika tahun 2003 dan 2004 adalah GSRs tanpa spiral terbatas-selip depan diferensial dan 6-kecepatan transmisi manual. The 2004 US spec RS models, however, do have a front helical limited-slip differential. 2004 US spec RS model, namun memiliki keterbatasan depan pilin-slip differential. All 2003, 2004 and 2005 RS and GSR models have the Japanese Evolution VII's 5-speed transmission. Semua 2003, 2004 dan 2005 RS dan GSR model Jepang memiliki Evolution VII dari 5-speed transmisi. The MR edition was introduced to the US in 2005, with ACD and the only model with a 6-speed transmission. MR edisi yang telah diperkenalkan ke Amerika Serikat pada tahun 2005, dengan ACD dan satu-satunya model dengan 6-kecepatan transmisi. The 2005 US spec RS and GSR have the ACD standard, and the front helical limited-slip differential is now standard on all models. 2005 US spec RS dan GSR ACD memiliki standar, dan bagian depan spiral terbatas-slip differential sekarang standar pada semua model. The timing and tuning are also slightly lower than its Japanese counterpart, allowing it to adhere to the strict emissions regulations of the United States. Waktu dan tuning juga sedikit lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan pasangan Jepang, yang memungkinkan untuk mematuhi peraturan yang ketat emisi dari Amerika Serikat. However, the US version has a quarter mile time of a respectable 13.7 seconds [ citation needed ] . Namun, versi US seperempat mil memiliki waktu yang cukup besar 13,7 detik[kutipan diperlukan].
Most Evolution VIIIs have a carbon fiber rear spoiler with matching body-color endplates. Kebanyakan Evolution VIIIs memiliki serat karbon spoiler belakang tubuh yang cocok dengan warna-endplates. Furthermore, the US versions of the Lancer Evolution VIII 2003-2005 were given bulkier rear bumpers than their Japanese counterparts to accommodate US safety laws in the form of the metal rear crash bar. Selain itu, Amerika Serikat versi dari Lancer Evolution VIII 2003-2005 diberi bulkier belakang bumpers mereka dari negeri Jepang untuk mengakomodasi US undang-undang keselamatan dalam bentuk logam crash belakang bar. All Evos have lightweight aluminum front fenders and hoods.Semua Evos ada aluminium ringan fenders depan dan atap mobil.MR and RS editions have an aluminum roof. MR dan RS edisi memiliki atap aluminium. Additionally, MR Editions come equipped with a 6-speed transmission, Bilstein shocks, and factory optional BBS wheels. Selain itu, datang MR edisi dilengkapi dengan 6-kecepatan transmisi, Bilstein guncangan, dan pabrik opsional roda BBS.
The basic RS Edition does not come with power windows, locks, or mirrors, an audio system, map lamps or an anti-lock braking system. Dasar RS Edition tidak datang dengan kuasa jendela, kunci, atau mirror, sistem audio, peta lampu atau anti-lock sistem pengereman. All Evo VIII RS models sold in the US have an air conditioning system. [ 6 ] Semua Evo VIII RS model yang dijual di AS memiliki sistem pendingin udara. [6]
ProductionProduksi | March 2005–October 2007Maret 2005-Oktober 2007 |
PlatformPlatform | CT9A CT9A |
Transmission(s)Transmisi (s) | 5-speed manual 5-speed manual 6-speed manual 6-speed manual |
WheelbaseJarak roda | 2625 mm (103.3 in) 2625 mm (103,3 dalam) |
Length Panjang | 4490 mm (176.8 in) 4490 mm (176,8 dalam) |
Width Lebar | 1770 mm (69.7 in) 1770 mm (69,7 in) |
HeightKetinggian | 1450 mm (57.1 in) 1450 mm (57,1 in) |
Curb weightPengekangan berat | 1,310–1,490 kg (2,888–3,285 lb) 1,310-1,490 kg (2,888-3,285 lb) |
Mitsubishi introduced the Lancer Evolution IX in Japan on March 3 , 2005 , [ 7 ] and exhibited the car at the Geneva Motor Show for the European market the same day. [ 8 ] The North American markets saw the model exhibited at the New York International Auto Show the following month. [ 9 ] The 2.0 L 4G63 engine hasMIVEC technology ( variable valve timing ), boosting official power output at the crankshaft to 286 hp (213 kW) and torque to 289 ft·lbf (392 N·m). Memperkenalkan Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution IX di Jepang pada 3 Maret, 2005, [7] dan dipamerkan mobil di Jenewa Motor Show untuk pasar Eropa hari yang sama.[8] The melihat pasar Amerika Utara model dipamerkan di New York International Auto Show bulan berikutnya. [9] The 2,0 L4G63 memiliki mesin MIVEC teknologi (variabel valve timing),resmi boosting daya output di krukas ke 286 hp (213 kW) dan torque ke 289 ft lbf (392 N m) . The Evolution VIII first offered in 2003 would produce dynamometer readings of approximately 225 WHP and 225 lb·ft (305 N·m). WTQ with a flywheel power rating of 271/273 respectively. The Evolution VIII yang pertama di tahun 2003 akan menghasilkan dynamometer pembacaan sekitar 225 WHP dan £ 225 ft (305 N m). WTQ dengan roda gaya power rating 271/273 dari masing-masing. The Evolution IX typically pulls 255 WHP and 250 WTQ on a wheel dynamometer, a difference of 30 hp (22 kW). The Evolution IX biasanya menarik 255 WHP dan 250 WTQ pada roda dynamometer, perbedaan dari 30 hp (22 kW).
The USDM Lancer Evolution IX models (standard; "GSR" in some markets), RS, SE, and MR) varied slightly in their performance capabilities. The USDM Lancer Evolution IX model (standar; "GSR" di beberapa pasar), RS, SE, dan MR) bervariasi sedikit kemampuan dalam kinerjanya. Subtleties unique to each model accounted for variations in acceleration, handling and top speed. Subtleties unik untuk setiap model menyumbang variasi akselerasi, penanganan dan kecepatan maksimum. The RS excluded features standard on the standard, SE and MR models (stereo system, power windows and locks, rear wiper, rear wing, trunk lining and sound insulation). RS yang dikecualikan fitur standar pada standar, SE dan MR model (sistem stereo, power window dan kunci, wiper belakang, sayap belakang, trunk lining isolasi dan suara). The resulting weight savings of over 60 lb (27 kg) gave the RS a subtly sharper handling responsiveness that helped it shave fractions of a second off the lap times of other models on an identical course.[ citation needed ] However, the top-end MR had a high top speed, since its 6th forward gear allowed it to reach 165 mph (266 km/h) at 7,000 rpm compared to 157 mph (253 km/h) at 7,000 rpm in 5th for the RS and middle-positioned IX models. [ citation needed ](Note: Data relevant to US model specifications) Berat yang dihasilkan dari tabungan lebih dari 60 lb (27 kg) yang memberi RS subtly curang penanganan respon yang membantu ia bercukur pecahannya yang mematikan putaran kedua kali pada model lainnya identik saja. [Kutipan diperlukan] Namun, akhir-atas MR yang tinggi atas kecepatan, sejak maju gigi nya 6. diizinkan untuk mencapai 165 mph (266 km / h) pada 7000 rpm dibandingkan 157 mph (253 km / h) pada 7000 rpm 5. untuk di RS dan menengah diposisikan IX model. [kutipan diperlukan] (Catatan: Data yang relevan dengan spesifikasi model US)
The IX MR retained the features of the Evolution VIII MR, like Bilstein shocks, a 6-speed manual transmission, a rooftop vortex generator, BBS forged wheels, HID xenon headlights, foglights, accessory gauge package, "zero lift" kit, special badging and an aluminum roof. IX MR yang tetap fitur dari Evolution VIII MR, seperti Bilstein kejutan, sebuah 6-kecepatan transmisi manual, sebuah nok pusaran generator, BBS tertempa roda, HID xenon headlights, foglights, aksesori mengukur paket, "nol angkat" kit, khusus badging dan aluminium atap. All models continued to sport Recaro bucket seats, Brembo brakes and MOMO steering wheels. Semua model terus olahraga Recaro bucket kursi, Brembobrakes dan MOMO steering wheels. Additional revisions from 2005 included a closer gear ratio for the 5-speed manual transmission , new lighter Enkei wheels on non-MR models, a redesigned front end with a more efficient air dam (the most noticeable feature are the two small oval ducts to cool the intercooler pipes), and a new rear bumper with a diffuser undersurface to smooth out the airflow coming out of the car for non-US models. Tambahan dari revisi 2005 termasuk lebih dekat gear ratio untuk 5-speed transmisi manual, baru ringan Enkei roda pada model non-MR, yang diakhiri dengan mendesain ulang depan yang lebih efisien udara bendungan (fitur yang paling nyata adalah dua kecil lonjong ducts to cool pipa dengan intercooler), dan baru bumper belakang dengan diffuser undersurface untuk kelancaran aliran udara yang datang dari mobil untuk non-US model. In an effort to reduce the price increase on the Evolution IX model,[ citation needed ] HID headlights were no longer standard equipment on the base IX (nor were they standard on the 2005 VIII), and were available only in the SSL package (Sun, Sound, and Leather), SE (Special Edition) and MR trims. Dalam upaya untuk mengurangi kenaikan harga pada Evolution IX model,[kutipan diperlukan] HID headlights yang tidak lagi standar peralatan di dasar IX (pula mereka standar pada 2005 VIII), dan hanya tersedia dalam paket SSL (Minggu , suara, dan Kulit), SE (Special Edition) dan MR trims.
Three trims were available for Japan, Asia and Europe. Trims tiga yang tersedia untuk Jepang, Asia dan Eropa. Although all models used the same 286 hp (213 kW) engine, the torque differed from one model to another. Walaupun semua model yang sama digunakan 286 hp (213 kW) mesin, momen yang berbeda-beda dari satu model ke yang lain. In Europe, however, the Evolution IX was advertised to have 280 hp (206 kW). Di Eropa, namun Evolution IX yang diiklankan memiliki 280 hp (206 kW). The GSR produced 295 ft·lbf (400 N·m) of torque, while the RS and GT produced 300 ft·lbf (407 N·m). GSR yang diproduksi 295 ft lbf (400 N m) of torque, sementara RS dan diproduksi GT 300 ft lbf (407 N m).
- RS - "rally sport", revised 5-speed, aluminium roof, gauge pack, minimal interior, LSD and a titanium-magnesium turbine, left-hand drive option available. RS - "rally olahraga", direvisi 5-speed, atap aluminium, mengukur pak, minimal interior, LSD dan titanium-magnesium turbin, tangan kiri-drive pilihan yang tersedia.
- GT - revised 5-speed, this is basically the RS mechanically, but with some of the GSR's features (mainly interior pieces).GT - direvisi 5-speed, ini pada dasarnya adalah RS mekanis, tetapi dengan beberapa fitur GSR (terutama bagian interior).
- GSR - 6-speed, Bilstein monotube shocks, aluminium roof, gauge pack, SAYC (Super Active Yaw Control), and double-din radio (this is roughly equivalent to the USDM MR). GSR- 6-speed, Bilstein monotube guncangan, atap aluminium, mengukur pak, SAYC (Super aktif mengoleng Control), dan double-din radio (ini kira-kira sama dengan USDM MR).
In the United Kingdom, the Evolution IX used a different model scheme based on the car's horsepower. Di Inggris Raya, yang digunakan Evolution IX yang berbeda model skema berdasarkan mobil daya kuda. There were initially three models available: the FQ-300, FQ-320 and FQ-340 each with around 300, 320 and 340 bhp (254 kW) respectively. Awalnya ada tiga model tersedia: di FQ-300, FQ-320 dan FQ-340 masing-masing dengan sekitar 300, 320 dan 340 bhp (254 kW) masing-masing. An FQ-360 model was subsequently released as a successor to the Evolution VIII FQ-400. An FQ-360 model kemudian dirilis sebagai penggantinya ke Evolution VIII FQ-400. While the new FQ-360 produced less horsepower than its predecessor, it had more torque at 363 lb·ft (492 N·m) at 3200 rpm - 8 lb·ft (11 N·m) more than the FQ-400.Sementara baru FQ-360 daya kuda yang dihasilkan kurang dari para pendahulu, ia lebih torque di £ 363 ft (492 N m) pada 3200 rpm - 8 £ ft (11 N m) lebih dari FQ-400. All four models were designed to run on super unleaded petrol only. Semua empat model dirancang untuk berjalan di super bensin bebas timbelbensin saja.
- FQ-300, 320, 340 - 6-speed, Bilstein monotube shocks, AYC (Active Yaw Control), super unleaded petrol only FQ-300, 320, 340-6-speed, Bilstein monotube guncangan, AYC (Active mengoleng Control), bensin super hanya bensin bebas timbel
- FQ-360 - 6-speed, Bilstein monotube shocks, AYC (Active Yaw Control), Ralliart Sports Meter Kit, carbon front splitter, Speedline alloy wheels, super unleaded petrol onlyFQ-360-6-speed, Bilstein monotube guncangan, AYC (Active mengoleng Control), Ralliart Olahraga Meter Kit, karbon depan splitter, roda alloy Speedline, hanya bensin super bensin bebas timbel
Four models were available in the US. Empat model yang tersedia di AS. All models used the same 286 hp (213 kW) engine. Semua model yang sama digunakan 286 hp (213 kW) mesin. All models used a front and rear Limited Slip Differential , and an Active Center Differential . Semua model yang digunakan depan dan belakang Limited Slip Differential, dan Pusat Differential aktif.
- Standard - revised 5-speed, standard model Standar - direvisi 5-speed, model standar
- RS - ralli sport, revised 5-speed, aluminum roof, gauge pack, minimal interior, also no radio RS - ralli olahraga, revisi 5-speed, atap aluminium, mengukur pak, minimal interior, juga ada radio
- SE - Special Edition, aluminum roof/hood, and front fenders, split seven-spoke forged aluminum BBS wheels in "diamond black" finish, HID headlights with integrated fog lights, red-stitched Recaro seats SE - Special Edition, aluminium atap / tenda, dan depan fenders, split tujuh berbicara tertempa aluminium BBS roda dalam "berlian hitam" selesai, HID headlights terintegrasi dengan lampu kabut, merah-stitched Recaro kursi
- MR - 6-speed, Bilstein monotube shocks, split seven-spoke forged aluminum BBS wheels, aluminum roof, hood, and front fenders, gauge pack, HID headlights with integrated fog lights, vortex generator, and custom MR badging. MR - 6-speed, Bilstein monotube guncangan, split tujuh berbicara tertempa BBS roda aluminium, atap aluminium, hood, dan fenders depan, mengukur pak, HID headlights terintegrasi dengan lampu kabut, vortex generator, dan kustom badging MR.
All of the American models are the same in power and performance. Seluruh Amerika model yang sama dalam kuasa dan performa. The only thing that sets them apart is the Evo RS, which is 80 lb (36 kg) lighter than the MR and SE models. Satu-satunya hal yang menentukan selain mereka adalah Evo RS, yang £ 80 (36 kg) lebih ringan dibandingkan dengan MR dan model SE.
To the standard (or "GSR") model, the Sun, Sound and Leather package added a power sunroof, HID xenon headlamps with integrated fog lights, a slightly different stereo headunit (with no integral amplifier), slightly upgraded speakers in the front doors and parcel shelf, a 4.1-channel amplifier under the driver's seat, a powered, trunk-mounted Infinity subwoofer, black leather seating surfaces, leather-trimmed door panels, slightly revised center armrests in the front and rear, and separate rear side headrests.Dengan standar (atau "GSR") model, Sun, Sound dan Leather paket menambahkan daya atap, xenon HID headlamps terintegrasi dengan lampu kabut, yang sedikit berbeda stereo headunit (tanpa integral amplifier), speaker upgrade sedikit di depan pintu Pusat rak, yang 4,1-saluran pengeras di bawah kursi driver, yang didukung, trunk-mount Infinity subwoofer, tempat duduk permukaan kulit hitam, kulit-panel pintu dipangkas, sedikit direvisi pusat armrests di depan dan belakang, samping dan belakang terpisah headrests. This model deleted the GSR's headliner-mounted sunglass holder to make room for the sunroof.Model ini yang dihapus dari seorang GSR-mount sunglass dudukan untuk memberikan ruang bagi atap.
A 2,500-piece, limited edition Evolution IX station wagon was released in Japan soon after the sedan's debut. J 2500-potong, edisi terbatas Evolution IX stasiun wagon dirilis di Jepang segera setelah pelangkin's debut. It used the back end of the Lancer Sportback wagon grafted onto the sedan. Ia menggunakan kembali akhir Lancer Sportback wagon grafted ke tandu. Two trim models were introduced: the GT with a six-speed manual transmission and the GT-A with a 5-speed automatic. Trim dua model yang diperkenalkan: yang GT dengan enam kecepatan transmisi manual dan GT-A dengan 5-speed otomatis. Other than the station wagon rear end, redesigned seats and some chromed trims, the car's interior was the same as the sedan. Selain stasiun gerbong belakang akhirnya, desain ulang kursi dan beberapa chromed trims, interior mobil itu sama dengan tandu.
Mitsubishi also developed the Evolution MIEV, based on the Evolutions IX's chassis but with four electric motors connected to the wheels as a test bed for the Mitsubishi In-wheel Electric Vehicle (MIEV) next-generation electric vehicle. Mitsubishi juga mengembangkan Evolution MIEV, berdasarkan Evolutions IX dari chassis tetapi dengan empat motor listrik yang terhubung dengan roda sebagai test bed untuk Dalam Mitsubishi-wheel Electric Vehicle (MIEV) generasi listrik kendaraan. The in-wheel motors used a hollow doughnut construction to locate the rotor outside the stator , unlike other electric motors where the rotor turns inside the stator. Di dalam roda motor yang digunakan melubang doughnut konstruksi menemukan rotor luar stator, tidak seperti lainnya motor listrik di mana ternyata rotor di dalam stator. The result of this was a lighter motor which translated into lower unsprung weight than a system with the motors mounted in the wheels. Hasil ini adalah ringan motor yang diterjemahkan ke dalam unsprung berat rendah dibandingkan dengan sistem yang terpasang di motor roda. Each in-wheel motor produced a power output of 68 hp (51 kW), thus giving a combined output of 272 hp (203 kW), comparable to that of regular, petrol powered Lancer Evolutions. Setiap di-wheel motor menghasilkan daya output 68 hp (51 kW), sehingga memberikan gabungan output 272 hp (203 kW), dibandingkan dengan reguler, bensin powered Lancer Evolutions. The car competed in the Shikoku EV (Electric Vehicle) Rally 2005. Mobil berkompetisi di Shikoku EV (Electric Vehicle) Rally 2005.
The Philippines had the Evolution IX until in August 2008, which was offered in two trims, the entry-level RS offering a 5-speed manual transmission, Brembo 17-in. Filipina Evolution IX yang telah sampai pada bulan Agustus 2008, yang ditawarkan dalam dua trims, entri level 5 RS yang menawarkan kecepatan transmisi manual, Brembo 17-in. ventilated discs (4-Pot), Brembo 16-in ventilated drum-in-disc (2-Pot) and almost the same features as to that of the GSR trim in the international version. berventilasi discs (4-Pot), Brembo 16-berventilasi dalam drum-in-disk (2-Pot) dan hampir sama dengan fitur-fitur seperti yang GSR diratakan dalam versi internasional. The MR was the top-of-the-line segment, which offers almost the same feature as to that of the MR trim in the international verision. MR yang merupakan top-of-the-line segmen, yang menawarkan fitur hampir sama seperti yang di MR diratakan di verision internasional. All of them are powered by a l4 2.0 4G63 turbocharged MIVEC engine. Semua dari mereka yang didukung oleh l4 2,0 4G63 turbocharged MIVEC mesin.
ProductionProduksi | October 2007–presentOktober 2007-sekarang |
PlatformPlatform | CZ4A CZ4A |
Transmission(s)Transmisi (s) | 6-speed twin-clutch gearbox 6-speed twin-clutch gearbox 5-speed manual 5-speedmanual |
WheelbaseJarak roda | 2650 mm (104.3 in) 2650 mm (104,3 dalam) |
Length Panjang | 4495 mm (177 in) 4495 mm (177 in) |
Width Lebar | 1810 mm (71.3 in) 1810 mm (71,3 in) |
HeightKetinggian | 1480 mm (58.3 in) 1480 mm (58,3 in) |
Curb weightPengekangan berat | 1,420–1,600 kg (3,131–3,527 lb) 1,420-1,600 kg (3,131-3,527 lb) |
In 2005, Mitsubishi introduced a concept version of the next-gen Evolution at the 39th Tokyo Motor Show named the Concept-X ,[ 10 ] designed by Omer Halilhodžić at the company's European design centre. [ 11 ] Pada tahun 2005, Mitsubishi memperkenalkan konsep versi berikutnya-gen 39. Evolution diTokyo Motor Show yang bernama Konsep-X, [10] dirancang olehOmer Halilhodžić di perusahaan Eropa desain pusat. [11]
Mitsubishi unveiled a second concept car, the Prototype-X , at the 2007 North American International Auto Show (NAIAS). [ 12] Mitsubishi unveiled kedua mobil konsep, yang prototipe-X,pada 2007 North American International Auto Show (NAIAS).[12]
The Lancer Evolution X sedan features a newly designed 4B11T 2.0 L turbocharged, all-aluminum inline-4 engine. The Lancer Evolution X pelangkin fitur baru yang dirancang 4B11T 2,0 L turbocharged, all-aluminium inline-4 mesin. Power and torque depend on the market but all versions will have at least 280 PS (205.9 kW; 276.2 hp) (JDM version), the American market version will have slightly more. Daya dan torque tergantung pada pasar tetapi semua versi akan memiliki sedikitnya 280 PS (205,9 kW; 276,2 hp) (versi JDM), pasar Amerika akan memiliki versi yang sedikit lebih. The UK models will be reworked by Mitsubishi UK, in accordance with previous MR Evolutions bearing the FQ badge. Inggris model akan reworked oleh Mitsubishi Inggris, sesuai dengan sebelumnya MR Evolutions peluru yang FQ badge.Options for the UK Evolutions are expected to be between 300 hp (220 kW) and 360 hp (270 kW). Pilihan untuk Inggris Evolutions diharapkan berkisar antara 300 hp (220 kW) dan 360 hp (270 kW). Two versions of the car will be offered in the US The Lancer Evolution MR, with 6-speed Twin Clutch Sportronic Shift Transmission (TC-SST). Dua versi mobil ini akan ditawarkan di Amerika Serikat yang Lancer Evolution MR, dengan 6-speed Twin Clutch Sportronic Shift Transmission (TC-SST). The other version is the GSR which will have a 5-speed manual transmission system.Versi lain adalah GSR yang akan memiliki 5 kecepatan transmisi manual sistem. The car has also a new full-time all-wheel drivesystem named S-AWC (Super All Wheel Control), an advanced version of Mitsubishi's AWC system used in previous generations.[ 13 ] . Mobil juga baru full time all-wheel drive sistem bernama S-AWC (Super All Wheel Control), sebuah lanjutan dari versi Mitsubishi AWC sistem yang digunakan dalam generasi sebelumnya. [13]. The S-AWC uses torque vectoring technology to send different amount of torque to any wheel at any given time.The S-AWC torque vectoring menggunakan teknologi yang berbeda untuk mengirim jumlah torque ke roda pada suatu waktu.
It also features Mitsubishi's new sequential semi-automatic six speed Twin Clutch SST twin-clutch transmission with steering-mounted magnesium alloy shift paddles. Ada juga fitur baru dari Mitsubishi berurut semi otomatis enam kecepatan Twin Clutch SST transmisi twin-clutch dengan steering-mount magnesium alloy shift paddles. A 5-speed manual gearbox will also be available. A 5-speed manual gearbox juga akan tersedia.Mitsubishi claims that the 5 speed manual transmission has always been preferred in rallying and should be very refined, resulting in a more satisfying drive. [ 14 ] New Lancer Evolution will incorporate Mitsubishi's next generation RISE safety body.Mitsubishi mengklaim bahwa 5 kecepatan transmisi manual selalu menjadi pilihan dalam rallying dan harus sangat halus, sehingga kendaraan yang lebih memuaskan. [14] New Lancer Evolution akan menggabungkan Mitsubishi dari generasi RISE keselamatan tubuh.
The production version of Prototype-X has begun production in Autumn 2007. Produksi versi prototipe-X sudah mulai produksi pada musim gugur 2007. The Evolution X went on sale October 1 ,2007 in Japan [ 15 ] then in January 2008 in the USA. [ 16 ] , February in Canada (as the first version of Evolution in Canada) [17 ] and in March 2008 in the UK [ 18 ] at prices between £27,499 and £37,999. [ 19 ] The Twin Clutch SST version was available in Japan from November 2007. [ 20 ] Europe will follow with sales in May, GSR and MR version included premium Package). The Evolution X pergi penjualan pada Oktober 1, 2007 di Jepang [15]maka pada Januari 2008 di Amerika Serikat. [16], Februari di Kanada (seperti pertama versi Evolution di Kanada) [17] dan pada bulan Maret 2008 di Inggris [18] pada harga antara £ 27.499 dan £ 37.999. [19] The Twin Clutch SST versi telah tersedia di Jepang dari November 2007. [20] Eropa akan diikuti dengan penjualan pada bulan Mei, dan MR GSR versi termasuk premi Paket).
[edit] Japanese models[Sunting]Jepang model
The engine is the 4B11-type 2.0 litre inline-4 turbo and produces 300 PS(221 kW/296 hp) at 6500 rpm 422 N·m (311 ft·lbf) (43.0 kg-m) at 3500 rpm. Mesin adalah 4B11-jenis 2,0 liter inline-4 turbo dan memproduksi 300 PS (221 hp kW/296) pada 6500 rpm 422 N m (311 ft lbf) (43,0 kg-m) pada 3500 rpm. Aluminum is used in the roof panel, front fenders and the rear spoiler frame structure. [ 21 ] Aluminium digunakan dalam panel atap, fenders depan dan belakang spoiler bingkai struktur. [21]
- RS - 5 speed manual transmission. RS - 5 kecepatan transmisi manual. 18-inch tires. Ban 18 inci. Driver dual-stage airbag. Driver dual-stage airbag. Standard Engine immobilizer. Mesin standar immobilizer.
- GSR - Standard rear spoiler. GSR - Standar spoiler belakang. 5 speed manual or 6-speed Twin Clutch SST transmission (magnesium paddle shifters on SST model). 5 speed manual atau 6-kecepatan transmisi Twin Clutch SST (magnesium mendayung shifters pada model SST).245/40R18 tire on Enkei 12-spoke high-rigidity cast alloy wheels or optional BBS lightweight alloy wheels. 245/40R18 ban pada Enkei 12-berbicara tinggi ketegasan cast alloy roda atau opsional roda alloy BBS ringan. Brembo ventilated disc brakes. Brembo disc brakes berventilasi.Standard S-AWC 4WD system. Standar S-AWC 4WD system.Driver and front passenger dual-stage airbag. Driver dan penumpang depan dual-stage airbag. Standard Engine immobilizer with security alarm. Mesin standar keamanan dengan immobilizer alarm. Optional Mitsubishi Motors Communication System (MMCS) which comprises a 30Gb hard disk drive audio/navigation system with 7-inch (180 mm) LCD screen. Opsional Mitsubishi Motors Sistem Komunikasi (MMCS) yang terdiri dari sebuah hard disk drive 30Gb audio / sistem navigasi dengan 7-inch (180 mm) layar LCD. Optional Rockford Fosgate premium sound system. Opsional Rockford Fosgate premium sound system.Optional keyless remote entry. Opsional jauh tanpa kunci masuk.
GSR can be fitted with following packages: GSR dapat dipasang dengan paket berikut ini:
- High Performance Package - Bilstein single tube shock absorbers and Eibach coil springs, brembo 2-piece disc brakes, high performance tires with stiffer walls and better grip. Paket High Performance - Bilstein satu tabung shock absorbers dan gulungan EIBACH springs, brembo 2 potong disc brakes, ban dengan performa tinggi stiffer pegangan dinding dan lebih baik.
- Stylish Exterior Package - Chrome finish for the front grille lattice and beltline molding, body color-keyed fender vents, adds fog lamps. Gaya Exterior Paket - Chrome untuk menyelesaikan bagian depan kisi-kisi kisi-kisi dan beltline molding, tubuh warna-bersemangat spatbor ventilasi, menambah lampu kabut.
- Leather Combination Interior - The seats matches the color of the exterior. Kombinasi kulit Interior - kursi yang sesuai dengan warna dari luar.
- Premium Package - All 3 above packages plus 18-inch (460 mm) BBS lightweight alloy wheels. Paket premium - 3 Semua paket di atas plus 18-inch (460 mm) BBS ringan roda alloy.
[edit] North American models[Sunting]Amerika Utara model
Engine produces 407 N·m (300 ft·lbf) (41.5 kg-m) at 4400 rpm and 217 kW (295 PS; 291 hp) at 6500 rpm. Mesin memproduksi 407 N m (300 ft lbf) (41,5 kg-m) pada 4400 rpm dan 217 kW (295 PS, 291 hp) pada 6500 rpm.
- GSR - Same as base Japanese GSR. GSR - Sama seperti Jepang GSR dasar. (available only with manual 5 speed)(tersedia hanya dengan manual 5 speed)
- MR - 6-speed TC-SST transmission. MR - 6-kecepatan transmisi TC-SST. Suspension with Eibach springs and Bilstein struts. Penskorsan EIBACH dengan mata air dan Bilstein struts. 18-inch BBS forged alloy wheels. 18-inch BBS tertempa roda alloy. Xenon High-Intensity Discharge (HID) headlamps. Xenon High-Intensity Discharge (HID) headlamps. Color-keyed large rear spoiler. Warna-bersemangat besar spoiler belakang. Leather and sueded seating. Kulit dan sueded tempat duduk. Electronic keyless entry and starting system. Elektronik tanpa kunci masuk dan mulai sistem. Steering wheel-mounted audio controls.Steering wheel-mount kontrol audio. Bluetooth hands-free cellular phone interface system with voice recognition.Bluetooth hands-free telepon selular antarmuka dengan sistem suara.
- MR Premium - MR with a 650 watt (max) Rockford Fosgate Navigation/Stereo with 9 speakers. [ 22 ] MR Premium - MR dengan 650 watt (max) Rockford FosgateNavigasi / 9 dengan stereo speaker. [22]
Option packages: Pilihan paket:
- (GSR only) Sight, Sound and Spoiler Package - Xenon HID headlamps with manual leveling; large rear spoiler; FAST-Key electronic entry and starting system; 650-watt (maximum) Rockford Fosgate audio system; in-dash 6-disc CD changer; Sirius Satellite Radio with six months prepaid subscription. (Hanya GSR) Sight, Sound dan Paket Spoiler - Xenon HID headlamps dengan manual leveling; besar spoiler belakang; FAST-kunci elektronik dan mulai masuk sistem; 650-watt (maksimal) sistem audio Rockford Fosgate; in-dash 6-disc CD changer ; Sirius Satellite Radio dengan enam bulan berlangganan prabayar.
- (MR only) Technology Package: Mitsubishi Multi Communication System, GPS navigation with Diamond Lane Guidance; 30GB hard disc drive with Digital Music Server, in-dash DVD/CD player, multifunction 7-inch (180 mm) color LCD touchscreen, 650-watt (maximum) Rockford Fosgate high-performance audio system, Sirius Satellite Radio with six months prepaid subscription. (MR hanya) Teknologi Paket: Mitsubishi Multi Sistem Komunikasi, navigasi GPS dengan Diamond Lane petunjuk; 30GB hard disk drive dengan Digital Musik Server, di-dash DVD / CD player, multi 7-inch (180 mm) warna LCD touchscreen, 650 -- watt (maksimal) Rockford Fosgate tinggi performa sistem audio, Sirius Satellite Radio dengan enam bulan berlangganan prabayar.
[edit] UK models[Sunting]Inggris model
UK cars kept the Evolution X name. Inggris mobil memelihara Evolution X nama.
- GS - Base Japanese GSR with Enkei wheels, 5-speed manual transmission, Stereo radio/CD with MP3 compatibility and 6 speakers. GS - Base Jepang dengan Enkei GSR roda, 5-kecepatan transmisi manual, stereo radio / CD MP3 dengan kompatibilitas dan 6 speaker.
- GSR - GS with HDD navigation with radio and music server (MMCS), Rockford Fosgate premium audio, iPod/MP3 auxiliary input port. GSR - GS dengan HDD navigasi radio dan musik dengan server (MMCS), Rockford Fosgate premium audio, iPod/MP3 penolong input port.
- GSR SST (FQ-300 only) - GSR FQ-300 with 6-speed TC-SST transmission with SST mode selection (normal, sport, super sport). GSR SST (FQ-300 hanya) - GSR FQ-300 dengan kecepatan 6-TC-SST transmisi SST dengan pilihan mode (normal, olah raga, super olah raga).
Engine options: Mesin pilihan:
- FQ-300 - Engine rated 295 PS (291 hp/217 kW) at 6500 rpm and 407 N·m (300 lb·ft) at 3500 rpm. FQ-300 - Mesin Nilai 295 PS (291 hp/217 kW) pada 6500 rpm dan 407 N m (300 ft lb) pada 3500 rpm.
- FQ-330 - Engine rated 329 PS (324 hp/242 kW) at 6500 rpm and 437 N·m (322 lb·ft) at 3500 rpm. FQ-330 - Mesin Nilai 329 PS (324 hp/242 kW) pada 6500 rpm dan 437 N m (322 ft lb) pada 3500 rpm.
- FQ-360 - Engine rated 359 PS (354 hp/264 kW) at 6500 rpm and 492 N·m (363 lb·ft) at 3500 rpm. FQ-360 - 359 PS Engine Nilai (354 hp/264 kW) pada 6500 rpm dan 492 N m (363 ft lb) pada 3500 rpm. Carbon fibre front lip spoiler, rear vortex generator, gear knob, hand brake. Serat karbon lip spoiler depan, belakang pusaran generator, kenop gigi, rem tangan. Front leather Recaro seats. Depan kulit Recaro kursi.
- FQ-400 - Engine rated 410 PS (404 hp/302 kW) and 542 N·m (400 lb·ft) of torque. FQ-400 - Mesin Nilai 410 PS (404 kW hp/302) dan 542 N m (400 ft lb) of torque. It also includes six-piston calipers, upgraded brakes and 18-inch wheels, a new aero kit that includes additional cooling intakes, vents, a larger air intake in the hood and ducts.Juga termasuk enam-piston kaliber, upgrade rem dan roda 18-inch, baru aero kit yang meliputi tambahan intakes pendinginan, ventilasi, air intake yang lebih besar di tenda dan ducts. Estimated 100 vehicles would be made. [ 23 ]100 kendaraan yang diperkirakan akan dilakukan. [23]
[edit] Australian / New Zealand models[Sunting]Australia / Selandia Baru model
Engine rated 295 PS (291 hp/217 kW) at 6500 rpm and 366 N·m (270 lb·ft) at 3500 rpm. Nilai mesin 295 PS (291 hp/217 kW) pada 6500 rpm dan 366 N m (270 ft lb) pada 3500 rpm.
- GSR - 5 speed manual or 6-speed TC-SST transmission. GSR- 5 kecepatan manual atau 6-kecepatan transmisi TC-SST.
- MR - 6-speed TC-SST transmission. MR - 6-kecepatan transmisi TC-SST. Suspension with Eibach springs and Bilstein struts. Penskorsan EIBACH dengan mata air dan Bilstein struts. 18-inch BBS forged alloy wheels. 18-inch BBS tertempa roda alloy. Xenon High-Intensity Discharge (HID) headlamps. Xenon High-Intensity Discharge (HID) headlamps. Mitsubishi Multi Communication System.Mitsubishi Multi Sistem Komunikasi.
[edit] World Rally Championship[Sunting]World Rally Championship
The Lancer Evolution has nothing unique among its competitors in the World Rally Championship in that it was a homologatedGroup A car slightly modified to be able to race competitively against, from the 1997 season onwards until the San Remo Rally in2001 , World Rally Car class cars. Lancer Evolution yang memiliki sesuatu yang unik di antara para pesaing di World Rally Championship yang dalam hal ini merupakan homologated Grup Amobil sedikit dimodifikasi untuk dapat bersaing terhadap ras, darimusim 1997 dan seterusnya sampai San Remo Rally di 2001,World Rally Car kelas mobil. They were successful in the WRC Rallies from 1996 - 1999 , thanks to the Finn Tommi Mäkinen , for clinching the driver's titles from 1996-1999, and the help of teammate Richard Burns for clinching the constructors's championship for the first, and thus far only time in 1998 . Mereka sukses dalam WRC Rallies dari 1996 - 1999, terima kasih pada FinnTommi Mäkinen, untuk yang clinching driver dari judul dari 1996-1999, dan bantuan tim Richard Burns untuk clinching yangconstructors dari kejuaraan untuk pertama, dan sampai sekarang hanya waktu di 1998. The Evolution however was replaced in late 2001 by the firm's first World Rally Car, named simply the Lancer Evolution WRC , which lasted in works hands, driven by Makinen,Freddy Loix , Alister McRae and Francois Delecour until Mitsubishi took a sabbatical from the championship at the end of2002 . The Evolution namun diganti pada akhir 2001 oleh perusahaan pertama World Rally Car, bernama hanya Lancer Evolution WRC, yang berlangsung dalam pekerjaan tangan, digerakkan oleh Makinen, Freddy Loix, Alister McRae danFrancois Delecour sampai Mitsubishi mengambil cuti panjang dari pada kejuaraan pada akhir 2002. It was succeeded for the 2004Monte Carlo Rally by the Lancer WRC04 . Ia berhasil untuk 2004Monte Carlo Rally oleh Lancer WRC04. Mitsubishi pulled out of the World Rally Championship after the 2005 season with theLancer WRC05 still being driven by privateers including Italianformer works driver Gigi Galli and the Swede , Daniel Carlsson , in the years following. Mitsubishi diambil dari World Rally Championship setelah musim 2005 dengan Lancer WRC05 masih didorong oleh privateers termasuk italian karya mantan sopir Gigi Galli dan Swedia, Daniel Carlsson, di tahun-tahun berikut. The Lancer Evolution however still competes in the Group N category.The Lancer Evolution namun tetap bersaing di Grup N kategori.
In some European markets, the Evolution was sold as the Mitsubishi Carisma Evolution, and indeed to this effect the works WRC team's second car in the late 1990s, usually driven by Burns and subsequently Loix, was customarily entered as a Carisma GT .Proton Motors of Malaysia raced Evolution III's and an Evolution VII as the Proton Pert in various Asia-Pacific Rally Championshipand APAC rally series. Dalam beberapa pasar Eropa, yang telah dijual Evolution sebagai Mitsubishi Carisma Evolution, dan memang ini efek karya WRC tim kedua mobil pada akhir tahun 1990-an, biasanya didorong oleh Burns dan selanjutnya Loix, adalah customarily dimasukkan sebagai Carisma GT. Proton Motor dari Malaysia raced Evolution III dan sebuah Evolution VII sebagai Proton pert dalam berbagai Asia Pasifik Rally Championship dan Apac rally seri.
[edit] Britcar Championship[Sunting]Britcar Championship
Mitsubishi Motors UK announced the introducing of a race-car programme for the Lancer Evolution X for the Britcar Championship . ADR Motorsport built the race cars. [ 24 ]Mitsubishi Motors Inggris mengumumkan memperkenalkan sebuah mobil balap-program untuk Lancer Evolution X untukBritcar Championship. ADR Motorsport dibangun perlombaan mobil. [24]
The 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution won ConsumerSearch 's best Aggressive sports sedan in Best Sports Sedans in June 2006. [25 ] During 2004–2005 alone it won six major awards, being declared "Sports Car of the Year" in Scotland and France , "Playboy Sports Car 2004" in Poland , "Best New Production Car Under € 60,000" in Greece , "Sport Compact Car of the Year" in 2004 and 2005 ( Sport Compact Car magazine) and "2005 All-Star" ( Automobile magazine) in the United States and Motormagazine's Best "Bang for Your Bucks" in Australia . [ 26 ] 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution memenangkan ConsumerSearch 's terbaik agresif dalam olahraga pelangkin Jawaban Olahraga Sedans pada bulan Juni 2006. [25] Selama 2004-2005 itu sendiri memenangkan penghargaan enam besar, yang menyatakan "Olahraga Car of the Year" di Skotlandia dan Perancis, " playboyOlahraga Car 2004 "di Polandia," Jawaban Baru Produksi Mobil Under € 60.000 "di Yunani," Sport Compact Car of the Year "di tahun 2004 dan 2005 (Sport Compact Car majalah) dan" 2005 All-Star "(Automobile majalah) di di Amerika Serikat dan majalahMotor Terbaik "untuk Anda Bang Bucks" di Australia. [26]
- ^ "2003 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution" , Michael Frank ,Forbes ^ "2003 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution", Michael Frank, Forbes
- ^ "EVO VII FQ-300" , Graham Bell, Pistonheads , October 17, 2002 ^ "EVO VII FQ-300", Graham Bell, Pistonheads, 17 Oktober, 2002
- ^ "Mitsubishi Evo FQ-360" , ShaunCurnow, Redline Magazine , July 19 , 2006 ^ "Mitsubishi Evo FQ-360",ShaunCurnow, Redline Magazine, Juli 19, 2006
- ^ BBC - Top Gear - Power Laps ^ BBC - Top Gear - Power Laps
- ^ "Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution for US Market Debuts at 2003 Greater Los Angeles Auto Show; Mitsubishi's Expanding Motor Sports Program to Dominate in 2003; Ralliart Comes to US; and Mitsubishi Goes 'Fast and Furious' Too." , PR Newswire, January 3 , 2003 ^ "Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution for US Debuts Pasar di 2003 Greater Los Angeles Auto Show; Mitsubishi's Memperluas Motor Olahraga Program mendominasi pada tahun 2003; Ralliart Comes AS dan Mitsubishi Goes' Fast and Furious' Terlalu.", PR Newswire, Jan 3, 2003
- ^ "2004 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution RS: A Race-Ready Rally Car" , Mitsubishi Motors Press Release, November 4 ,2003 ^ "2004 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution RS: J-Festival Siap Rally Car", Mitsubishi Motors Press Release, November 4, 2003
- ^ "Mitsubishi Motors launches Lancer Evolution IX hi-performance 4WD sports sedan" , Mitsubishi Motors press release, March 2 , 2005 ^ "Motors meluncurkan Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution IX hi-performance 4WD sedan olahraga",Mitsubishi Motors press release, 2 Maret, 2005
- ^ "Mitsubishi Lineup at 75th Geneva International Motor Show" , Mitsubishi Motors press release, March 1 , 2005 ^"Lineup Mitsubishi di Jenewa 75. International Motor Show", press release Mitsubishi Motors, Maret 1, 2005
- ^ "2005 New York Auto Show" , ^"2005 New York Auto Show",
- ^ "Mitsubishi Motors Exhibits at 39th Tokyo Motor Show" , Mitsubishi Motors press release, September 28 , 2005 ^"Mitsubishi Motors 39. Pameran di Tokyo Motor Show",Mitsubishi Motors press release, September 28, 2005
- ^ "Mitsubishi Concept-X Exterior Design Story" , Mitsubishi Motors Technology Review 2006, no.18, pp.134–135 ^"Mitsubishi Concept-X Exterior Desain Story", Mitsubishi Motors Technology Review 2006, No.18, pp.134-135
- ^ "2007 North American International Auto Show - Vehicle Introductions" . ^ "2007 North American International Auto Show - Mobil Introductions". NAIAS. NAIAS. 2007 . . 2007.Http:// Retrieved on 2007-01-10 . Retrieved on 2007/01/10.
- ^ "2007 Mitsubishi Prototype X Concept" . ^ "2007 Mitsubishi prototype X Konsep". . . 2007.Http:// Retrieved on 2007-03-21 .Retrieved on 2007/03/21.
- ^ "Evolution X to get double-clutch gearbox" , John Neff,, August 23 , 2005 ^ "Evolution X untuk mendapatkan double-clutch gearbox", John Neff,, 23 Agustus, 2005
- ^ Press Release ^ Siaran Pers
- ^ "View from Japan - 2008 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution X" .^ "Melihat dari Jepang - 2008 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution X". 2007 . . 2007.Http:// Retrieved on 2007-10-01 . Retrieved on 2007/10/01.
- ^ "2007 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution" . ^ "2007 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution". March 2003 . . Maret 2003.Http:// Retrieved on 2007-10-28 . Retrieved on 2007/10/28.
- ^ "Mitsubishi Evo X First Drives" . ^ "Mitsubishi Evo X Pertama Drives". . 2007. Http:// Retrieved on 2007-10-01 . Retrieved on 2007/10/01.
- ^ Mitsubishi-Motors/Model Prices ^ Mitsubishi-Motors/Model Harga
- ^ "Officially Official: Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution X" . ^"Diresmikan Resmi: Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution X".autoblog. autoblog. 2007-10-01 . . 2007/10/01.Http:// Retrieved on 2007-10-01 .Retrieved on 2007/10/01.
- ^ MMC launches Lancer Evolution X — new-generation high-performance 4WD sedan ^ MMC meluncurkan Lancer Evolution X - generasi baru kinerja tinggi 4WD sedan
- ^ Mitsubishi announces pricing for long awaited Lancer Evolution ^ Mitsubishi mengumumkan harga lama ditunggu Lancer Evolution
- ^ Mitsubishi Evolution X FQ400 coming with 405 hp ^Mitsubishi Evolution X FQ400 datang dengan 405 hp
- ^ Ready-to-race Mitsubishi Evolution X, one-make series planned ^ Siap-ke-ras Mitsubishi Evolution X, satu-seri membuat rencana
- ^ ConsumerSearch's Best Sports Sedans Reviews ^ConsumerSearch Terbaik Olahraga Sedans Review
- ^ Fact & Figures 2005, p.31 , Mitsubishi Motors website ^Fakta & Angka 2005, hal.31, Mitsubishi Motors website